首屆中國-阿拉伯國家峰會將于12月9日在沙特阿拉伯召開,在此期間還將舉行中國-海灣阿拉伯國家合作委員會峰會。埃及前外交部長、北京大學中外人文交流研究基地高級訪問研究員納比爾·法赫米 (Nabil Fahmy) 日前為中國日報中國觀察智庫獨家撰寫署名文章稱,中國是阿拉伯國家可靠的合作伙伴,峰會將為雙方提供進一步相互了解的機會,密切雙方的關系,合力推動構建更加公平、可持續(xù)的國際秩序。
Formal declarations after group meetings will be reached easily using traditional concepts governing international relations, especially the sanctity of state sovereignty and noninterference in internal affairs of states.
Maritime security along the east coast of Africa and in and around the Arabian gulf (also known as the Persian Gulf) will be raised by Arab counterparts. President Xi will find attentive listeners if he expands on State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi"s earlier statement about the basic principles to govern peace and security in the region.
Substantial economic capacity, technological prowess and huge investment capacity make China an attractive partner for the Arab world.
President Xi"s visit to Saudi Arabia and the China-Arab States Summit are expected to produce some concrete results. I expect that the bilateral meetings that will occur in parallel will be followed by announcements regarding concrete projects. This is particularly true between Saudi Arabia and China, given their economic weight and visionary outlook. This will cater well for increasingly strong Arab and Chinese ties.
For their part, Arab countries will seek to assess whether China will play an increasingly prominent role in international relations and promote a more equitable sustainable world order. I am confident both sides will conclude these meetings with a sense of satisfaction.
The next step will be for China and the Arab world to work together toward these objectives. Even the best intentions need resilience, determination and committed nurturing for them to bear fruition. I strongly believe that it serves the interests of both China and the Arab world that we do so.
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