如果你是第一次來中國,并且想要體驗移動支付業(yè)務(wù),那么可以使用來自上海銀行的華付通卡“Tour Card”服務(wù)。
If you are planning to visit China for the first time and would like to try mobile payments, a service called "Tour Card" offered by the Bank of Shanghai might worth a try.
It is designed to provide mobile payment services for overseas travelers across the Chinese mainland just with their overseas bank cards. Before arriving on the Chinese mainland, foreigners can submit an application in their home country for linking their overseas bank card to "TourCard".
You"ll first need to download the Alipay or Wechat app in your home country and search for the TourCard mini-program. Then, you can follow the guide to verify your personal information and top up money from overseas bank cards. The exchange rate at the time of top-up will be based on the real-time exchange rate of your card group and card issuer.
Currently, "TourCard" supports four card schemes: VISA, MasterCard, Diners Club International and JCB. It will support American Express in the future.
And as a backup, cash is always an option. In Shanghai for example, more than 90 percent the city"s 10,000 ATMs accept overseas bank cards making RMB withdrawals. Foreigners can withdraw cash directly from their overseas bank cards and pay that way.
Hopefully this information is helpful if you"re trying to prepare for a trip to China.
(看看新聞Knews 吳旭童 Timothy Pope)
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